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king kong... another GREAT movie from peter jackson. gua udah pernah nonton film ini waktu gua masih SD (waktu itu Jakarta Theatre masih teater berkapasitas 1500 penonton, lengkap dengan balkon), dan yang gua inget cuma waktu si kong nongkrong di atas empire state building sambil mengaum2 (eh, ngga pas ya? abis apa? meraung?). waktu itu gua gak inget nangis apa gak, tapi yang pasti film itu kurang berkesan di otak gua yang masih kecil itu. yang gua inget adalah karena itu pertama kalinya gua nonton di bioskop, sama om en tante en sepupu2 gue. dan waktu ada adegan ciuman (entah siapa, si kong atau si ann) sepupu gue yang masih kecil teriak dengan kenceng "maa.. itu ngapain sih ma? ciuman yah ma?". memalukan!! kemaren nonton kingkong memang memuaskan. durasi 3 jam kurang sedikit, dan dari depan sampai belakang trully entertaining. kingkong ini merupakan jenis film yang kalo nonton harus ditemani popcorn dan cola. dan ceritanya sendiri bukan main2. gak heran peter jackson sampe kurus begitu. yang gua seneng dari film ini adalah: peter jackson put the human in kong. kingkong nya jadi punya jati diri, he's just lonely. dan buat gue sih, gak tepat kalau si jack black bilang "beauty killed the beast", karena sebenernya bukan kecantikan yang bikin kong tertarik sama ann, tapi bau dan kenyataan bahwa ann bisa menghibur dia dan (in the end) gak takut sama dia. adegan berantem kong melawan trex pun jadi menghibur karena gaya kong yang kocak dan menggemaskan. satu2nya yang bikin gua tutup mata adalah waktu jack black, adrien brody dkk terjatuh ke gorge yang penuh dengan crawlies dan segala macem bugs segede2 gaban. jijaaayyy!! gua gak mau liat. that was disgusting enough! adegan terakhir (kong di new york) bener2 bikin gua nangis ter mehe2, karena sedih aja ngeliat kong yang baik dan kesepian diperlakukan kayak gitu. biarin deh gua mau dibilang cengeng juga, tapi siapapun pasti gak tega ngeliat kong ditembakin seakan dia monster jahat yang gak berperasaan. mungkin itu juga yang bikin gua nangis termehe2, karena kong versi jackson bener2 punya emosi dan hati sendiri. bayangin, dia bisa ngambek, sok cuek, ketawa senang, bahkan sedih. *sigh* well, that was one helluva movie. too bad can't say that much about kejar jakarta, film terbaru dari p-project. satu2nya fakta yang menghibur gua nonton film itu adalah, itu syutingnya di tanjung duren dan sekitar, which is deket sama rumah gua. hehehe. anyways, sebentar lagi natalan. so i just wanna wish you all a HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY AND JOYFUL CHRISTMAS and a MERRY MERRY MERRY AND DELIGHTFUL NEW YEAR and not to forget a FUN AND SPECTACULAR HOLIDAYS it's been a great year. mmuah. ^^ 12.16.2005 film Kulihat Tamanku berhasil meraih piala citra kategori penghargaan khusus juri FFI 2005. CIHUIIIIIIIIIII!!! bangga bo.. bangga banget!! i'm so happy! 12.12.2005 satu tahun yang lalu hari ini gua sedang siap-siap pergi ke amrik. perjalanan jarak jauh pertama gua, sendirian.
12.09.2005 first God created CS Lewis. then he created the bestseller chronicles of Narnia. then God created Andrew Adamson. then he created the film, based on the one of the book. The Lion the witch and the wardrobe. unbelievable. never before have i met a movie that fully satisfy my imagination whilst reading a book. taken from a book by CS Lewis, this story told about 4 kids who had to fight against the evil witch (and self-proclaimed queen) of Narnia, causing the endless winter (never christmas, horrible!) for 100 years. yes, it was written by a writer who has neither wrote a single children story before, nor after the chronicles were published. yes, the stories (this one in particular) were written with christian biblical stories in mind. yes, the story took place in an imaginary world where animals can talk. yes, the heroes were british, not american. yes yes yes. from the scale of 1 - 10, i'd give this movie a 1000! yes! nothing dissapointed me (unlike the harry potter series), not even a single teardrop. it was heartbreaking to see the children said goodbye to their mom, breathtaking when lucy (and us) first step into the world of Narnia, gripping when peter, susan, lucy and the beavers had to run from the wolves, tearjerking when aslan died. heck, i even wished i was queen Jadis when i saw her using those swords! damn girl, you really know how to fight with style. tilda swinton gave a new meaning of being cool. amazingly, unlike daniel radcliffe, the four pevensies gave a stunning performances. i really like their acting. they really made me believe they're peter, susan, edmund and lucy. the talking animals: they were so realistic i almost hoped my dog could talk. only one word could describe this movie. STUNNING! (when i stepped outside the theatre and heard maylaffayza playing violin, i had to fight a strong urge to jumped 3 floors down and cut off her head with my double swords (queen jadis style, of course)). next must-see movie: peter jackson's king kong. hopefully it'll be as entertaining as this one. btw, speaking of talking animal, on the way to radio dalem i saw two geese guarding a health clinic. the gate was wide open but i guarantee, no man with evil thoughts would've dared going in. in fact, no man at all would dared going in. the geese tried to attack everyone near enough. awesome. |
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