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gara2 nonton serial ghost whisperer, gua jadi ngefans sama jennifer love hewitt. setau gua akting dia biasa2 aja. kecantikan dia juga biasa2 aja menurut gua. tapi pas di ghost whisperer, bagus. mungkin karena ceritanya emang bagus. about a woman who can see and hear earthbound spirits. cool story. saking bagusnya ceritanya, sampe EACH episode gua bisa nangis. kalo dah ada dvdnya gua mo beli ah.

sungguh disayangkan serial2 indo gak ada yang bisa sebagus itu. damn. kapan ya indo mau berinvestasi bikin serial sebagus itu? kapan ya gua bisa nulis cerita sebagus itu? :(

anyway, trip to bandung was hillarious. berangkat jumat pagi, pulang minggu malam. it was lotsa fun. not to mention gua dapat banyak belanjaan pula! hwahahaha.. akhirnya gua mampir di rumah mode yang terkenal itu. harus gua akuin, emang ok2 barang2nya. dan menyenangkannya, semua ukuran gua. jarang2 nemu FO yang barangnya bagus2 dan ukurannya ukuran gua.

anyway, it's half past 7pm already. pengen pulang dan nonton lagi deh. tadi siang padahal udah nonstop gak bisa brenti ngabisin 7 eps. besides, gua punya majalah premiere untuk dibaca malam ini. FUN!

. Unknown . 7:17 PM


just been finishing a book by paulo coelho called veronica decides to die. been wanting to buy that book for a long time, and yesterday a friend (who was a big coelho fan, just like me) bought two of his books, and so i chipped in for this book. a great book about insanity and life. that's what i really like about coelho's books. they make you think deep about stuffs that you don't normally think about. this book tells about veronica who led a very uneventfull life, and therefore decided to end her life before she became old and bored. during the last minutes however, she found out that there's more to life than she'd ever knew. ironically enough, she didn't have much time to enjoy the new life, so she ended up doing everything without regrets.

she even masturbates three times - and had the greatest orgasm - in front of a guy whom she was attracted to. she's my hero.

i think i'm a bit like veronica. not the play safe part, but the keep back and guarded part. i don't do crazy things, thank you very much. but reading this book questioned me: what if all the things i considered crazy are not crazy at all? what if being crazy is the only way to stay sane? all this time i was so scared of being different, but why should i? by the way, these questions applied to many of us. why are we so afraid of being different? why do people tend to fear those who are different?

the book also told a story of a king whose kingdom was in jeopardy. a wicked witchcraft had poisoned the kingdom's well so that all the people would go crazy, all except the royalty family. when the king saw that his people had gone crazy, he ordered his best doctors to treat them. but since the doctors were all crazy too, they laughed at him. then the people started to think that the king has gone crazy, because he's the one who's acting weird. so they decided to throw him from the throne, until the king's wife urged her husband to drink from the poisoned well. he did, and he became crazy too, but because they're all crazy, they thought they're sane. (a lesson to those who want to overthrow a president, ey?)

so what defines crazy/insane, what defines sane? how can you tell i'm crazy or sane? if a majority of people say a, and i say b, would i be crazy then? or would i just be different?

maybe that's why harry potter is so famous. he's different. like mad eye moody said: he's the only person known to have survived the avada kedavra curse. professor dumbledore is different, and people think he's the crazy one. but it turns out that he's very much sane, perhaps even saner that the rest of us. so the next question is: how can you be different gracefully? hmm...

speaking of harry potter, the new movie was ... mm well i could only say, it's not up to my standard. too fast and too confusing at some parts, especially if you haven't read the book. but it does offer some excellent images, like the world cup, the dark mark, the hungarian horntail, the durmstrang's ship and the beuxbatons' carriage, voldemort, and some other cool stuff. nagini was a dissapointment (it was supposed to be white!), the beauxbatons students (and fleur, who was supposed to be part veela), the maze (without the dangerous beasts?), and my most dissapointment: mad eye moody and the actings... geez. i wonder what peter jackson thought of the harry potter series in terms of their actings. flat, i should say. but still, it's quite good. especially considering that i got the ticket for free. hee hee.

been watching a few dvds also. brothers grimm (great movie!), the perfect man (surprisingly entertaining), monster in law (a helluva performance by jane fonda), four brothers ({mr burns} excellent! {/mr burns}), and hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy (hillariously and brilliant). still have one more to go: smile. about a caucasian girl who befriended a chinese girl with severe facial deformity. should be a good one. and i just borrowed two dvds called samsara and the girl next door. should be fun.

oh, and i'll be going to bandung for this weekend (a very long one, from thursday to sunday). so i'm hoping to have MUCH fun while i'm there. hee hee.

ps: this post was written on saturday. on sunday an article about paulo coelho was published in kompas. shocking. apparently he as a new-agean, and he joined a sect called something something (a branch from catholics), and he's into sufi. damn. does this mean i can't read his books no more?

. Unknown . 12:43 PM


what would you do if you know you only have a certain time left to live?
would you run and cry all the time?
or would you laugh and play as much as you can?
would you do all you can to stay alive longer?
or would you give up and just try to live happily for the rest of the time you have left?

pertanyaan ini sempet nempel di benak gua ketika ngedengerin siarannya fauzan di ufm malam tadi. ada cewek yang mutusin cowoknya karena dia ngga ngerasa fair buat si cowok, karena dia cuma punya waktu 3 tahun sebelum kanker otak habis menggerogoti tubuhnya.

damn. gua gak bisa kebayang, apa yang akan gua lakukan kalau gua mendadak dikasih tahu sama dokter kalau gua cuma punya waktu sekian hari, bulan, tahun... . mati mendadak emang ngagetin, but at least i don't have to worry about it. if you have to die, you die. tapi kalau gua dikasih tau malam ini, bahwa (misalnya) 3 bulan lagi, jam 2 siang lewat 48 menit, gua akan mati karena ketabrak becak (misalnyaaa looh... misalnyaaa! *knock on woods*). apa yang akan gua lakukan? what would i think? how would i use my time? what would i do first? how would i react to the news?

can't imagine it. damn.

it's a scary thought, ... knowing that you're going to die. untuk yang sedang mengalami, atau kenal dengan orang yang sedang ada dalam situasi seperti ini, i could only say: my thoughts are with you.

anyway, on a more cheerful topic: i've finally get rid of the virus.
it took a few days, lots of frantic sms and calls, endless time spend on downloading antivirus updates (useless as couldn't complete virus scan at all because of the nature of the virus), and countless swear words. all useless. so finally, i decided to reformat my laptop. i lost all my documents, but at least i got rid of the damn virus too. heehee.

all i have to do now is to buy newest version of microsoft office, borrow a few additional softwares, download yahoo messenger, update my antivirus, update my microsoft, ... that's it i think. i'd like to express my deepest thanks to this guy for his unbelievable patience. makasih loh yaaa udah bersedia di teror lewat telpon dan sms. ^^

. Unknown . 11:41 PM


laptop gua kena virus.


mestinya gua bakar aja tuh komputer2 sialan di multiplus!

. Unknown . 10:20 PM


udah berminggu2.. bahkan berbulan2 kacamata gua patah. dan gua butuh yang baru. again.

seinget gua, gua mulai harus bergantung sama yang namanya kacamata itu sejak kelas 1 smp. it was weird, karena pas lulus sd penglihatan gua masih 20/20. libur 2 bulan, dan tiba2 begitu masuk smp penglihatan gua udah burem. minus satu. duduk di baris paling depan pun gak bisa lihat jelas. (either that atau memang papan tulisnya udah butut dan mesti dicat ulang).

habis itu gua gak inget semua jenis dan model kacamata yang pernah mampir di depan mata gua, tapi gua inget, kacamata2 itu selalu berakhir dengan nasib sama. patah. ada yang patah karena didudukin bokap, ada yang karena jatoh trus keinjek, pernah ada yang kelempar, ada yang kedudukan gua, ada juga yang gak jelas kenapa. juga pada saat gua beralih memakai kaca instead of plastic (dulu sih karena lebih murah dan lebih gaya, padahal gak ngepek juga ya?), kaca2nya gak bertahan lama. pecah karena kacamatanya jatoh, pecah karena kelempar (don't ask me!), pecah karena ... jatoh dari frame nya... believe me, i've seen weird things happening to my glasses.

karena itulah gua sampe punya toko kacamata langganan. saking langganannya, gua sampai hafal sama muka penjaga tokonya, kebiasaan dia (selalu mendengus2 kayak hidungnya lagi pilek berat padahal ngga), inget gaya berpakaian si ngkoh (celana hitam dengan posisi ikat pinggang 5 cm di atas perut), dan setiap pergi kesana mereka pasti sudah memandang gua dengan raut muka maklum. patah lagi? iya.

setidaksuka2nya gua sama pakai kacamata, gua selalu senang beli kacamata baru. mungkin bawaan dasar sebagai cewek, dimana kalau dapet kesempatan beli2 barang baru rasanya seneng banget. dan begitu baru dapet kacamata, rasanya pengen pake kacamata terus. sama kayak kalau baru beli rok, atau sepatu, atau tas... tapi kesenangan itu cuma bertahan beberapa minggu aja. habis itu gua back to normal state, dimana gua benci pake kacamata. mungkin krn 'bau' barunya udah ilang ya. hal ini berulang2 kembali sampai akhirnya gua bosan. buat apa beli kacamata kalau toh ntar rusak juga. karena itulah ketika kacamata gua patah lagi (dulu dah pernah patah, dan gagangnya dah diganti), gua terlalu malas untuk beli yang baru. why bother, gua cuma pake kacamata di rumah, dan yang patah masih bisa diselotip kok. tapi ternyata gua kelamaan berpikir begitu. one day i realized.. optik langganan gua udah gak di situ lagi. they bloody moved, and gua gak tau mereka pindah kemana.

tadinya gua masih bisa menghibur diri, toh ada softlense. tapi ternyata kacamata gua patah LAGI (!! di gagang yang sama, hanya beda 1 cm dari patahan yang pertama. can you believe it?!), dan it's starting to really annoy me. masa gua mesti pake softlense di rumah? gak pake kacamata or softlense is not an option karena minus gua cukup banyak untuk bisa bikin gua technically dibilang buta. dan yang paling mengganggu adalah ketika gua harus melakukan hal2 yang membutuhkan kacamata tapi karena selotipnya loyo dia melorot2 melulu. very BLOODY annoying!

jadi gua pun lantas berusaha memberanikan diri pergi ke optik2 yang gua selalu lewatin kalau habis fitness. igh.. kok mahal ya? made me miss my optik even more. made me think about how convenient it always was. made me think ... yes, i DO want a lasik eye surgery!!!! (remember that for my upcoming birthday presents, aight?!)

[lemme tell you something about myself. gua adalah orang yang paling TIDAK SUKA pergi ke tempat yang baru dimana gua harus melakukan sesuatu yang necessary. i hate it. apalagi kalau gua harus mempercayakan mata gua di tangan mereka. oh boy oh boy.]

ternyata memang menyebalkan. buat orang yang tidak terbiasa mempercayakan matanya kepada mas2 atau mbak2 tolol yang cuma bisa ngegosip, gua sangat merasa tidak nyaman. lagipula kacamata yang mereka tawarkan semuanya bermerk. mahal bener. jiwa kiasu gua pun mulai mengambang muncul ke permukaan. nista banget rasanya kalau beli kacamata yang harga framenya aja udah sejuta lebih.

abis itu gua pun pergi ke TA (my fave mall...) dan pergi ke optik tetangga optik langganan gua. bokap kenal sama yang punya karena dulu rupanya satu sma. interesting. i wonder if there's more to it but apparently i'm not gonna get any story out of it. ternyata memang lebih mendingan. at least harganya cukup memadai buat gua. tapi ketidaksukaan gua mulai muncul saat mesti preksa mata. optik langganan gua dulu canggih banget dan profesional sekali. kursi preksa kacamatanya hampir mirip dengan kursi dokter gigi. semua serba canggih. a state of the art technology. sedangkan, optik ini sungguh mengecewakan. cuma ada kursi roda biasa yang udah lusuh, dan peralatannya pun yang gak canggih deh pokoknya. hmph. optik macam apa ini. papan hurup2 yang kayak di tiap dokter mata juga udah luntur kena aer.... gimana bisa akurat coba perhitungannya? i miss my optik even more.

either way, i need my glasses. so i swallowed my dislikeness and just went on with it. verdictnya minus gua nambah setengah di mata kiri. so i bought the glasses, dan senin ini udah bisa diambil (moga2). can't wait to wear it everywhere. at least for the first month. :D

. Unknown . 12:24 AM