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that's it. i'm going to proclaim WAR against all the tukangs yang lagi kerja di rumah blakang rumah gua. i've run out of patience!!! masa tiap pagi gua disuguhin teriakannya nike ardilla???? PLEASSSEEEE DEHHHH!!! first it was peter pan, which was quite as annoying because all the transinema guys (teto!!!) juga lagi tergila2 pasang lagu peter pan. and then it was .. i think .. ebiet G ade. HMPH! then last week it was iwan fals, which was ok with me. i'm not familiar with his songs, but at least he has some decent songs, and he has lots of songs to choose from. but this week's been a torture for me. believe me, listening to nike ardilla screaming at the top of her lung with lyrics such as "benci!!! bila harus hidup sendiri........... bosan!!! blablabla" A R G G G G G H H H H H!!!! anyway, been thru quite a lot this past week. been getting offers to do this and that from few places, none of which i could decline because each one seems interesting enough, and i wouldn't miss a thing. next week'll be my last week in the office. i actually have time until 21 feb, but i can't wait to burn all those uniforms (i wanna keep the ID though..) and not come to the office except to hang out with friends. btw, lemme tell u what happen yesterday. dad lost a car key. so we went searching the whole house for it. problem is, no one's sure who used the car the last time (we all suffer from short term amnesia in this house.) jadi semua saling tuduh. finally, in the midst of despair: mom: (to the cat who's sleeping on top of the fridge, where we normally put our keys) where's the key?! cat: (staring at mom with a sleepy look) meaw? mom: (muley galak) what did you do with the keys??? ngaku?! cat: (stretching his body and yawning and then turn its back to my mom, as if ignoring my mom's blatant accusation) mom: hayo ngaku! kamu umpetin dimana? (this time conducting full body search upon the cat) cat: (sambil nyakar dan meronta2) MEAOOORRWWW!!! *possible translation: NISTAHHHH!! AKU TERNODAAA! that went on for about 5 minutes until finally the key was found inside the waste basket next to the fridge. the cat must've kicked it accidentally and it dropped straight into the bin. hmph. i'm beginning to think seriously of forming a family circus. it's too unbelievably hillarious to be a normal family. 1.26.2005 yes people, follow me! sing out loud! "start spreading the news... i'm leaving .. today i'm gonna be a part of it........ *beep* " yes, i'm gonna be a part of the outside world, where people are appreciated for who they are. i'm gonna be a freelancer... free as a bird with incomes flowing like a river (banjir bandang? boleh jugaaaaaaaa!!! kebayang donk kebanjiran duit... hhuhuhu). anyway, agak mengherankan juga how things turn out pretty well for me. menyenangkan, dan moga2 di jangka panjang i could really do what i really want. moga2 keputusan gua untuk mengorbankan satu film (one lousy film??) bisa menghasilkan film lain yang jauh lebih bagus dan bermutu.... . sementara, gua udah bbrp hari belum liat bonyok nih. pulang pagi, pergi siang. bangun2 mereka udah pergi, pulang2 mereka udah bobo. huhu.. i miss talking to them. ya sud lah.. abis ini mau pergi ke citos, biasa. melanjutkan kembali acara ngupi2 sambil judi boong di gloria jeans citos bersama gang yang biasa. ada yg mo ikut??? :P "kapan kapan.. kita berjumpa lagi kapan kapannn.. kita bersama lagi mungkin lusaaaa.. atau di lain hari." 1.25.2005 i hate saying goodbyes. soon enough that's exactly what i have to do, given that i have already seen mba anna from hrd to get my clearance sheet and submit my resignation letter. what? yes, my resignation letter. finally, i've had it. i couldn't stand it no longer. not the boring uniforms, not the stupid "GUA GAK PERDULI!", not the crazy bule.. not anything. i've had it. nothing could make me stay. not even a triplet salary!! now is the time for ME to be the one who say "GUA GAK PERDULI!!!" yes, it's very hard to do. saying goodbyes is always difficult for me. i hate it. i hate teary goodbyes. i hate cheerful goodbyes. no mood is ever right for saying goodbyes. yes, i'm sad. but i feel that it's my time to go. it's my time to be selfish. it's my time to leave this place. sad, but relieve at the same time. somehow i could still remember, the first time i come to this building, for an interview. the first time i took the test. the first time i make friends with the people who've so far been like a family to me. the first time i got my first day shooting (goyang inul! ahh, how memorable.. those good ole' days. :)). i could still remember everything i had experience in this place, the bitter and the sweetest. i remember all the friends who had dropped by and gone .. all the friends whom i would soon leave. i still have 28 days to finish all my work here, and then i'm off to a new environment. off to face new adventures. will it be exciting? will i find new friends? will i succeed? or will i fail? i don't know. all i know is that... it feels soooo DAMN GOOD to leave this place!!!!! 1.22.2005 nonton Kungfu Hustle kamis malam sama cici. hasilnya sungguh tidak mengecewakan. LUCU BANGET!!!! stephen chow emang jenius dalam ngebikin hal yg lucu2. beneran deh. if you're feeling down and quite stressful, watch this movie. it'll crack your head open saking kerasnya elu ketawa. gua sih sampe sakit perut. :p btw, emang yah godaan dateng di saat yang paling tidak kita inginkan. disaat cekak dan gua harus nabung gini, godaan datang ketika gua turun nemenin cici ke lotus untuk ngambil duit. damn! liat sepatu sendal bagus2 dan enak dipakai.. HUWAAAAAAAAA!! udah tau gua paling lemah terhadap sepatu2 sendal yang enak dipakai dan lucu, kok masih dikasih liat yg lucu2 lagi. huumpph. mauuww... *sniff*. tapi untunglah, pada saat itu saya berhasil memenangkan pertarungan batiin.. secara gua lagi kumat pelitnya.. hehehehehehhehehehehhehe. *bangga banget*. i will not buy sandals. i will not buy sandals. .. .. .. ... but i could certainly use new sandals, secara sendal gua udah pada jebot semua... hmmmmmm... *mikir2 serius* .. .. no!! no!! must not buy unecessary accessories. must save money from now on. .. .. tapiiiiii... .. .. huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. mommyyyyyy.. i want those sandallss!! *jedot2in kepala ke tembok untuk menghilangkan image sendal dari otak* .. .. .. must think of something else!! quick! Ladder 49!!! hhm, entah kenapa kurang berhasil menawan hati gua. bagus, tapi kurang menggigit, secara filmnya drama aja gituh!! igh. gua pikir mah action macam2 backdraft... gak taunya drama. humph. sungguh very very disappointing. .. .. .. *duduk manis senyum2 gak jelas sambil mengetuk2an jari ke meja* .. kok masih kepikiran sendal yg kemaren ya..? huhuhu. 1.20.2005 lelah. banyak pikiran menggangu, tapi untungnya gua udah bisa tegar. hehehe. tapi tetep lelah. tadi saking bingungnya gua sampe nangis, padahal gak ada apa2 loh. *sigh* mungkin ini pertanda aku makin tua...... tua dan lelah. : 1.19.2005 people, and most of all: family, often said i'm a lucky girl. i often got what i need in times i need it most. perfect timing kalo orang bilang. terakhir kali terjadi bbrp hari yg lalu saat oma meninggal.. i got money UNEXPECTEDLY (because i wasn't expecting any.. tanggal tua gini looh) dari seorang tante yang sangat sangat sangat sangat GAK pernah ngasih gua duit sebelumnya. hmm.. i wonder..? anyway, kejadian itu berulang lagi. gua lagi gundah, mikirin sesuatu, tiba2 dapet offer yang .. hmm.. buat gua mungkin cukup patut dipikirkan. dan yg lebih mengesalkan lagi, datengnya tiba2 banget. ngagetin, dan bikin gua kehilangan keseimbangan dan nyaris terjatuh. padahal baru aja gua bisa regain balance setelah bbrp lama terombang ambing. apalagi karena gua udah terlanjur nge-set hati gua untuk mengerjakan sesuatu. should i wait or should i follow my heart? oh man.. what should i do? bingung bingung. kalau lu org dikasih dua pilihan: berlari liar di tengah hutan yg sejuk namun penuh binatang buas, atau duduk tenang di pinggir pantai tapi sambil kepanasan terpanggang matahari dan tak ada tempat berteduh, mana yang akan lu pilih? oh well, i'm sure things will work out just fine. btw, i don't consider myself lucky. i prefer to be called "blessed". :) meanwhile am waiting for two friends to come to the office. we're going to bolung's house to offer our condolences. moga2 gak nyasar, dan gak kemaleman mengingat skarang udah jam 8 malem dan belum ada tanda2 dua org itu akan nyampe. apa enaknya makan dulu ya? :D njis, udah beberapa hari ini (tepatnya sejak balik dari amrik), kok gua makan mulu ya? dan bukan nasi loh! tadi seharian cuma makan, mm.. ya nasi pake telor 5 sendok, bakwan malang, krupuk ikan (enak banget! thanks yah yud! :D). kemarin makan indomie 1/2, dimsum, ... susu 1/2 kotak. dah. tapi pas nyampe rumah jam 2 pagi gua ngemil cheetoz puff... hoohohohohoho.. i love those stuff. mm.. nyam. omigosh.. i'm getting fatter and fatter each day. believed one day i'll pop and disappear into the air. :( gua butuh dihibur... huiks. 1.18.2005 it's busy time again. berhubung gua skarang kalo dateng kantor selalu siang, jadi gak ada waktu untuk update2. hmph! time to work and i have more things to worry about (other than work, i mean). will tell you more about this when it's confirmed though. meanwhile, i got some pictures.. no, not all krn males aja upload dari rumah (sedangkan dunno how to transfer to pc di kantor krn photo2nya belom gua write ke cd 1. my grandma who died coupla days ago. 2. my dad.. saying his final farewell to my grandma's casket (gitu ya nulisnya?) sebelum dimasukin kedalem oven. njis, bukan maksud hati keji gitu, tapi emang oma gua di kremasi (dibakar), jadi dimasukin ke dalem oven. seru loh... 2 jam udah jadi abu. habis itu keluarga boleh milihin tulangnya (dipisahin antara kepala, badan dan kaki). sebenernya ada yg lucu di tempat krematoriumnya. di lahan sebelah ada om2 juga di kremasi (ternyata temen nyokap gua waktu di surabaya. what a small world). nah, rupanya ini om lumayan tenar dan kaya raya. jadi upacara kremasi dia diliput pake kamera dv. wah, you should see waktu abunya keluar dari oven.. kan baranya masih nyala2 gitu. LANGSUNG dikerubutin sodara dan kamera dv pisan! serasa ada selebritis mo lewat. huhuhu. kita ngeliatnya sampe takjub. oh well, anyway, setelah oma jadi abu, gua papa mama + om dan sepupu + om satu lagi, berangkat ke laut untuk ngelarung. naik speedboat gitu. asik sih.. felt like baywatch (except the water's filthy and lautnya banyak patok2 bagan...) 3. yang ini adalah contoh papan penunjuk jalan di jepang. lucu ya.. ada tulisan2 jepangnya.. ehuehuehuehuehuehuee. :p seneng aja. *norak* 4. snowww!! snowwwwww!! liatt donk, snownya lagi turun dengan deres waktu foto!! *kampungan abis* hmm.. kok ujan deres ya. jadi males ke kantor. hiwahihaihaihaihaia.. secara emang gua udah males kerja di sana kali ya? ohh man.. i'm feeling very dillematic right now. tapi emang bener, i gotta choose which risk i'm willing to take. and right now my mind's is quite set (80% lah), jadi tinggal mikirin yang 20% doank. moga2 keputusan gua udah bener. doain yaaaa.. ^^ 1.15.2005 oma ahan died 14 jan pk 22.30 in peace. this was the sms that sent me straight back home from a chat night at a friend's house. sebetulnya bukan berita mengejutkan, mengingat kondisi oma sudah memburuk sejak beberapa minggu terakhir. tidak mau makan, tidak bisa berdiri, tidak bisa apa2. tapi entah kenapa begitu membaca sms, gua langsung lompat berdiri dan bilang "gua pulang" ke 3 org teman yg sedang duduk2 sambil ngobrol. yang bikin gua terharu, begitu tahu kenapa gua harus pulang, mereka langsung berdiri untuk turut mengantar gua pulang. setelah itu my boss malah nelp temen2 yg masih on the way dari kantor untuk langsung ke rumah gua aja. thanks fellas. i really appreciate it. ^^ anyway, speaking of grandma, this was the last grandma i have. (one grandpa died before my dad was married, another died in 1997. one grandma died last year.) there were lots of lessons to learn from this grandma. she taught me how to enjoy piano, to laugh hard and loud, to eat .. and enjoy, to collect some extra pocket money (by 'protecting' her from mosquitoes.. she paid us 50rp for each mosquitoes we killed each time she enjoyed her night time sitting on the porch). she taught me how to cook delicious snacks and food (because she loves to eat). she taught me where to find delicious meals (vendors, restaurants, supermarkets.. you name it). she taught me how to laugh at our own stupidities (and mistakes), and use every (even the smallest) opportunities for our benefit. speaking of this grandma reminded me of kuo thie (semacam pangsit, enak deh!), emi medan, bakmi ayam, sate babi, sate ayam, bubur ayam, babi panggang, bebek panggang, nasi goreng, lumpia semarang, risoles, es krim, kue tart, coklat, ... she's also the gangster grandma i told you previously, with her threats and accuses of us losing her stuff. she was so vibrant and alive in her youth and most of her life. it was only after she reached the age of 75 that she started to change. she's afraid of death. and that (from my observation) barricade her from doing everything she once enjoyed. as time goes she became paranoid and believes that she's going to die 'soon', following her friends footsteps. this prevented her from going anywhere (she'd never walked out of the house ever since she fell down one day years ago), seeing anything, and enjoy foods the way she used to. so sad. if only she'd been able to accept her weakness, she might've had a more enjoyable life - even with the polio legs she attained during childhood. i'm glad to say she died peacefully, in her sleep. dagh oma ahan. hope you find all the delicious food you liked in heaven. enjoy, and save me some, ok? 1.12.2005 aah, after all the hectic holiday, again i must rejoin my fellow co-workers in this crazy office. apparently i missed a lot during my time-out, so i was busy hearing all the gossips (juicy!) and events that occured within the last 3 weeks. haven't done anything this past 3 days *very proud* anyway, journey from chicago to jakarta was uneventful. chicago - tokyo was tiring. maybe because i was sandwiched between two BIG bule guys who seemed to develop a weird way of sleeping. one slept like a log, the other .. hmm how shall i say this? very weirdly put a handkerchief around his nose and mouth, and put ON his reading glasses, and then went to sleep with his arms folded neatly on his stomach.. argh! weird deh pokoknya! udah gitu flight entertainmentnya sucks, masa filmnya sama persis sama waktu gua berangkat dari jkt ke chicago??? plis deh!! i could recite every dialog that was in The Terminal without actually hearing it outloud!!!!! narita was ok. a very small city compared to jakarta (or even.. bandung!). sesampainya di hotel, setelah check in gua langsung masuk kamar. njis, kecil pisan! sangat2 mengingatkan gua sama cockpit pesawat euy.. semua serba kecil dan compact. even the bathroom, kayak lavatory di pesawat. ahihaihaihia. so, after that i went out to the city to go look for dinner. sesampainya di bus stop, it was apparent that they dropped us off at a nearby train station. di sekitar sana emang banyak resto jepang, tapi semua tulisannya bahasa jepang. finally i had to settle for a SMALL ramen resto because it's the only resto i could find that had pictures on the menu! jadi gua tinggal tunjuk2 doank. heiahiehaie. *pinter* ternyata ramennya enak looh. beef ramen with soy soup. nyam. the rest of the night went pretty much uneventful. after spending 1 hour doing nothing except walking around the blocks trying to kill time (and trying to find cute and weird pocky) i went back on the bus and slept thru the night .. dengan sangat2 TIDAK nyenyak. flight from tokyo to jakarta, however, was GREAT! gua dapet tempat duduk paling depan, which means extra leg room for me. and the flight entertainment was great. i watched The Village, Wimbledon, Swing Girls (a japanese movie), the Manchurian Candidate.. get my point? hehehehehe. the food was also delicious. the Village: hmm.. quite different from what i expected, which is great coming from mr. shyamalan (bener gak sih nulisnya?). jadi something different from signs and 6th sense. gak terlalu nakutin, tapi unsur suspensenya tetep ada. cuma kok akhirannya gitu doank ya? hmm.. terlalu gampang menurut gua, tapi mungkin he's running out of time. Wimbledon: VERY good. gua suka banget, terutama opening creditnya. very creatif. dan jalan ceritanya sendiri menurut gua berhasil menghindari tipikal film romantis yg umum. editingnya dan angle2 pengambilan gambarnya juga keren. sayangnya pada awal2 film kirsten dunst kurang meyakinkan tampil sebagai seorang petenis pro yang muda dan berbakat. mungkin masih kebawa2 dia jadi cheerleader di bring it on ya? tapi pas dia udah maen, ok juga kok (which is gak banyak adegan dia maen tenis. lebih banyak si paul bettany yg maen.. super gorgeous!!). kesimpulan: wajib nonton buat cewe2! swing girls: a bunch of spoilt japanese girls want to avoid make-up (summer class) math class so they took a challenge to form a jazz brass band. very funny film!!!! dan buat cowo2 yg demen ngeliatin anak abg jepang dengan seragam sekolahnya (rok pendek, kaos kaki sebetis.. yah yg biasa di majalah2 porno ato di hentai2 lah.. hiakakkakakak), this is a must see film. tapi ini bukan film porno kok. heck, not even close. ceritanya sebenernya simple, tapi entah kenapa menghibur banget. mungkin karena selain lucu (kadang2 agak mustahil, tapi itu justru bikin tambah lucu), lagunya juga enak2. berhubung mood tidak bagus, jadi gua gak nonton the Manchurian Candidate. so i spend the rest of the flight to listen to some hiphop rap music (cukup bagus). jakarta was great. i missed it so much, but one do tend to forget why one hates jakarta so much. dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah, hampir aja gua loncat turun dari mobil berkali2 dengan niatan mau nyekek2 semua motor2 dan orang2 yg nyelonong sembarangan ato nyebrang seenak jalan. bikin rese! 1.07.2005 jan 6, 05 around 11pm aah, my last night in chicago. what have i missed? nothing, i believe. so far i've been to: - woodfield mall (twice) - gurnee mills (once) - barrington train station (about 3 times) - downtown chicago : michigan ave and loop (err.. 5 times?) - lake shore (twice) - navy pier (once) - field museum (once is enough!) - shedd aquarium (again, once is enough) - a mall i don't recognise the name (once. too bad) - grocery store such as jewel, dominicks, valli, etc (too lazy to keep count) - chinatown (twice) - fry's and best buy : electronic store (each twice but all on the same day..hehehe) - restaurants (too many!) - snow fall (twice, but the last one lasts for 2 whole days) - traffic jam (believe it or not, it was a quite big and busy intersection, but when the red lights went off, everybody can still move one row at a time!!!! gak ada yg ngotot2 sampe kusut kayak di jkt. man! that was so hard to believe i actually gawked at the sight!) - visit my sister's office (twice) - dinner / hang out with married smugs (err.. i think around 3 times) not bad.. not bad at all *manggut2*. and here's my list of fave places in illinois: - food: potbelly (great and cheap sandwiches!), bob chinn's crab (great crabs!), garrett's (best popcorn), sushi station (great sushi), ken kee (best chinese food). - shop: GAP (easily won my favor because of their cool and perfect jeans and cool tanktops), virgin mega record store (great tshirts and bags style but a bit too expensive for me), meijer (megasuperstore, for their endless variety of chips! haha!), best buy (murah2 euy!) - sightseeing: i'd have to say either lakeshore (cause you can see all the city skyline from there), or evanston (lucu aja kompleksnya.. tua2 gitu. berasa di luar negri!) - american houses: my sister's place is not bad (in algonquin), but the really pretty ones are in barrington. they're not actually a house, but rather an office. cute. - fun house: navy pier's winter wonderfest is the best. - church: evanston first presbyterian. simple but meaningful and yet NOT boring. hehehe. hm... if you think about it, 3 weeks is really sufficient for me to see everything in illinois during wintertime. i don't think i'll be visiting here again until the time presses (like, my sister getting married? heehee). jakarta, here i come. 1.05.2005 jan 5, 05 sometime before 11 am.. satu yg paling bikin gua gak betah tidur di rumah ini: GULING! gak ada guling! gak tau apa tidur tanpa guling sungguhlah tidak sehat?? mari kita analisa baik2. dengan guling: - tak perlu kehadiran seseorang di samping kita untuk dijadikan guling (argumen yang sangat valid untuk semua pria/wanita single. kekekekeke). - aman dan tanpa resiko - nyaman - hangat - terbebas dari kecanggungan saat tidur yang diakibatkan karena kekosongan ranjang - bikin kita mimpi yang indah2 - hence, baik untuk perkembangan mental kita sedangkan, tanpa guling: - dingin - badan (punggung, pinggang, kaki, tangan, leher) bisa sakit2 karena berusaha menemukan gaya yang pas saat tidur - canggung (mati gaya) karena gak ada yang bisa dipeluk saat tidur bergaya miring - walhasil suka kebangun ditengah malam - walhasil kurang tidur - bikin mimpi yang engga2.... (misalnya mimpi wawancara hanson lalu ngeliat tengkorak mengerikan melayang2...?) tentu saja argumen2 di atas tidak akan berlaku, atau berlaku secara terbalik, jika si pelaku sudah menikah atau setidak2nya mempunyai objek hangat (alias hidup) untuk menemani tidurnya. dengan begitu kehadiran guling bukan lagi diharapkan tapi justru malah dianggap mengganggu karena membuat ranjang terasa sempit dan sangat tidak efisien kala 'something urgent' hendak dilakukan. wkakkakkakkakkkkakkakaka.. gua heran aja sama orang2 single yang bisa survive hidup tanpa guling. gimana cara mereka tidur ya? pasti orangnya boring, karena gaya yang mereka pakai pastilah gaya2 yang tidak melibatkan guling, misalnya gaya punggung, atau gaya tengkurep (igh.. tidur kok tengkurep). how unoriginal. minggu ke dua gua disini gua sempet ke ikea, nyari barang2 lucu yang kali2 aja bisa gua bawa pulang. nemu guling.. idiiiiih!!! what a J O K E! gulingnya kecil banget.. yaaa mini guling lah. tsk! rasanya kayak perbandingan herder dan cihuahua.. . hampir aja gua ketawain, untung masih sadar diri. untung juga waktu dulu pertama kali berangkat ke melben, gua cukup berotak untuk ngebawa2 guling dari indo (jangan tanya gimana caranya). makanya gua agak heran begitu tau di rumah ini gak ada guling sebijipun. hmm.. i wonder how do they (the people who live in this house) sleep? pasti orang2nya boring semua.. kekekekekekekekkkekekee. :p~ anyway, only 2 more days to go before i hop on the JAL plane (no guling on board), but still 4 days before i arrive in jakarta. darn. mengingat gua harus spend a night in tokyo-narita hotel room just by myself makes me feel lonely. dan pastilah kamar hotelnya gak ada guling (kenapa ya jarang ada hotel yang nyediain guling? that's another point to ponder! hmm... *mikir*), dan karena gua travel sendirian, pastilah malam itu gua gak akan bisa tidur nyenyak alias mati gaya. goosh!! i really miss my bed in jakarta, where you can be assure i have LOTS of gulings there. in short, yes, i'm a pro guling person. i'm a guling lover. i worship guling. without it, i'll be very .. cranky, like now. 1.04.2005 2pm, jan 3, 05 chicago time yep, ini pemandangan skyline chicago dari mobil on the way to downtown chicago via freeway. one must agree, it IS a spectacular view. well, the rest of the photos are as usual : in here. why not here in the blog? well, if you want to upload around 80 photos (and that's not all!) all to this blog... it's gonna be heavy as hell. *grin* yes people, i did take LOTS of photos. hey, can't help it if i'm photogenic. hehehe.. kemarin pergi ke evanston first presbyterian church. first of all, i just wanna say, i have NEVER seen churches as many in one block as that block. dalam satu jalan ada 3 gereja (all with buildings that looks like the cathedral, although only 1/3 in size). people in that area must have feel very religious, ey? hmm.. anyway, it's a nice neighborhood. di situ juga ada northwestern university. gua naksir sama program yg mereka offer buat communication-radio tv film for graduate. hmm.. interesting.. very interesting. asal moga2 aja kampusnya yg di evanston, bukan di downtown loop chicago. :) anyway, during church service yesterday, right before the reading of the scriptures, the priest asked all the little kids to come forward and sit next to him on the altar stage. you could tell this was a pretty familiar agenda because as soon as he mentioned "kids..", all kids ran forward to sit next to him. cute. and then, having tsunami disaster as the topic of the week, the priest asked simple questions to them, like how did they feel when they first learned about the tsunami disaster. many hands popped up to answer the questions, eventhough jawabannya ya sama2 aja.. . jawabannya gak spectacular banget, tapi beraninya itu loh. that's what kids in indonesia (or asia?) don't have. [ada satu yg lucu. dia bilang on the way from the supermarket one day, he and his mom spotted a bum with a sign saying that he's too poor to eat, and he looked very dirty and smelled too. so the priest ask him what he did. he said he was being bad because he didn't give the vagrant any money, and he didn't give him his sandwich either because he (the kid) was hungry. then the priest said "well, you could tell this person about our church, and that he should come here and we could help him." then this kid, being innocent and naive, with a disgusted look said "but we couldn't take him in our car. no way sir." mwahahahhahah.. ] it still amazes me how kids are treated differently in this part of the world. last night we went out to a dinner for six with a young couple with 1 cute little girl. we ended up talking about how kids who grew up in america and in indonesia differ. di umur dimana anak2 yang grew up di indo masih disuapin, dimanja, ditemenin sederetan suster2, dan bahkan masih ngempeng, anak2 yg grew up di america (little joleen for example) udah bisa makan sendiri tanpa disuruh (bahkan bisa minta nambah), mau makan sayur dan bahkan bisa bilangin maminya kalau nasi di piringnya kurang 'green'. amazing. tentu saja those basic differences create a much bigger problem later on when the kids have all grown up to be teenagers. difficult personalities, spoilt, hard-headed, selfish, dependent, .. err.. surely you get the point already? do indonesian moms tend to spoil their children too much? are indonesian toddlers becoming the ultimate spoilt brats because of the nurses? gua gak malu ngaku bahwa gua adalah salah satu produk dari fenomena ini. no, i didn't have any nurses while i was a small toddler, but mom did have two maids to help around the house (especially with 3 actively weird kids), and up until now i still depend on my mom to take care of my meals and my stuff around the house. i'm a spoilt young woman. :D aren't we all? which reminds me of an episode of the oprah show a few days back. it's about the wayne brothers (successful comedians that comes from a family). when asked about their homes (with no money and 10 siblings, life's not easy!), they all say that their MOM is the hero around the house. she'd make them laugh about everything (except God, cause they don't want God to make fun of them! haha) and do everything by themselves. the boys were even taught how to cook so that they don't have to depend on a woman to cook for them! (women beware! wakkakakakaka) at one point one of the brothers actually said "our mom is the toughest and kindest mom on earth. they don't make 'em no more!" makes you wonder what kind of childhood they had, ey? :) and makes me wonder what kind of a mom would i be when the time comes? hmm. wish i could say i'm a funky, know it all, funny and friendly kinda mom.. and to hear my children spoke of me that way in national (or worldwide) television show... would be my greatest award. :) i bet mrs. wayne lives a VERY HAPPY life. 1.02.2005 jan 1, 05 10.15pm chicago time now that the new day of the new year is almost gone, 2004 seems so far away. reality has yet to kick in when monday arrives. and it's only 5 days to go before i head back to hot polluted but much loved jakarta. :) kemarin malam waktu dinner sama the married smugs, ada yg nanya sama gua "how do you like it here?" hmm.. i'd have to say, i don't know. i mean, so far chicago's been nice and friendly (except the cold and harsh winter winds) but i'm not sure i wanna spend the rest of my life living in this place. sure, i could picture myself living a life here, but somehow it seems like a make-believe. besides i can't imagine myself working in this country. gak tau aja mo kerja apa. dan gak yakin bakal dapet teamwork yang seasik sekarang *hey guuys!! kangen niih! :)* entahlah. meanwhile, i have tons of stories, new stuffs and pictures. but as usual, i'm too lazy to write, took pics or upload them. i'm still trying to recall my days and put it into writings. harap sabar ya. moga2 bisa di upload sebelum hari jumat. tomorrow: off to church (evanston) and the aquarium. gotta go tomorrow cos the aquarium's gonna be closed until jan 13. after that, gonna do some more shopping (as if it wasn't enuff already.. heehehehe). btw, i'm listening to rachael lampa's new song called rubberhouse. di lagu ini dia duet sama T-bone (no, not the steak you idiot! :) the rapper!) keren abis. we can take a groove make it move we can prove that we're for real this time we got nothing to hide we can work the room make a boom turn it into a place where future finds something from our time all we have to do is come into a place anew where we can blur the lines elevate our minds in my head i see a kinda dream a place where we can live, move, have our being set the joint on fire please we can make it better i knot it really matters wouldn't it be a trip to live in such a place you and i *been trying to build a rubber house so we all can live together been trying to build a rubber house so we all can live together don't you wanna put the hammer down take a break from all the pressure be whatever whatever whatever whatever hands up in the air if you dare we don't care if it brings you to your knees it's alright by me love will find you still it's in His will for us to build one voie one single gift and lift it up down here we gotta get together, we really gotta get there i could betcha i'll be telling you again and again repeat * and if after we've been here one thousand and one hundred years we've no less song to sing than when our song began oh we, we can make it better you know we gotta get there i could bet ya if we ever come tgether we will find this place forever you and i ps: this is my 1st post using paquie (my new laptop..) looooh. teeheeeheeee... *nyombong dikit walaupun gak perlu... maklum lah. agak2 norak nih.. * |
ilovegreen | herru | titiw | ardi | youknowwho | jiewa | siska | nanien | ragil | ninit | enda | velas | vira | roosalyn | arb3i | ochan | angie jenie | indiee | morningdew | ruri | blu3bee | monty | hyde | pepens | ganda | loucee | miund | kere kemplu | bowo | ydouglas | linda | tandiyanto | isman | nina | arief & erfi | rani & rina | suari | wira | G | yudho | mon-tan | alin | feli